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The rising popularity of Flutter

You might notice that we mention Flutter a lot on our website -

We keep going on and on about Flutter, Google’s new development platform for mobile apps. Why? Because we think it represents a great step forwards in cross platform app development.

We’re not the only ones thinking that.

Let’s explain it simply.

As you can see from the Google Trends graph above, more and more people are searching online for Flutter. It’s a pretty remarkable rate of growth, given that Flutter V1.0 was only released to the world on December 1st, 2018. By comparison, React Native, the second contender, has been around since March 2015.

The growth of Flutter and React Native have been at the expense of the once popular Cordova and Xamarin. We can’t predict if Cordova or Xamarin will make a comeback, but it seems unlikely, given the limitations of their toolsets. Basically, it’s a two horse race between the modern contenders - Google’s Flutter and Facebook’s React Native.

Suffice it to say that the trend looks set to continue. Flutter has attracted a large (and growing) developer fanbase on GitHub and Stack Overflow.

The statistics, six months ago, showed that Flutter had slightly less GitHub Stars than React Native.

“Flutter has 72,675 GitHub Stars, while React Native has 80,034 (August 2019). According to Statista, React Native is the third most wanted tool among developers. Flutter has the 6th place as of early 2019. React Native has 56,808 Stack Overflow questions.18 Aug 2019 "

What are GitHub Stars? Well, briefly, when a developer on GitHub “likes” a project, they save it their profile and also award it a star to show that they like it. It’s a rough and ready metric to measure popularity, but an industry yardstick for perceived quality.

As of a month ago, ie. December 2019, Flutter surpassed React Native in GitHub Stars. This is an astonishing achievement for a software platform which had only been available for a year. 

You might also infer from the quote that a lot of developers want to have Flutter on their CV, as well.

So who’s using it?

Just four examples here - there are many more. Google Ads, Alibaba, Hamilton Musical and Hookle, a social media account management tool.

If you want to have a look at more Flutter developed apps, there’s an official Flutter showcase here.

It’s popular. But is it what customers need? 

This is where we need a conversation. 

We always suggest going for cross platform development when a customer is not looking for an app with platform-specific features. One codebase, faster development, simpler support and new features, and speed comparable to native apps.

All in all, Flutter (and React Native) represent a great leap forwards in mobile app development frameworks.

About us - Foresight Mobile

Founded in 2017, Foresight Mobile are an end-to-end mobile development agency, turning your concepts into engaging and robust solutions across mobile and the web. We use the latest technologies across all platforms, ensuring that your products are built to last with the best performance.

Our services include:

Product prototyping, Android / iOS / cross platform mobile app development, startup support, "CTO as a service" and Next Generation technologies such as AR/ VR and iOT.

We provide a fully bespoke offering, supporting clients from initial first design concepts to published apps which represent the best value for money, fastest development and quickest ROI.

We've been trusted by firms ranging in size from startups and SME's to large household names.

Want to know more ? Visit us at - you can check out our Manchester based Flutter app development services here

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Mobile Software Engineer - Flutter, iOS, Android - Foresight Mobile

Based in Manchester, Foresight Mobile are leading mobile app developers. We work collaboratively with founders, agencies, and consumers to design and develop exceptional digital experiences across iOS, Android, and the Web. Our team of expert UK app developers leverage the power of Google's Flutter framework to deliver cutting-edge apps that are not only visually stunning and high-performing but also boast rapid development times and exceptional return on investment.With over 21 years’ experience in the mobile app development industry working across a range of brands including EA, Body, Bandwidth and Levi Strauss, we can bring your app ideas to fruition. At every stage of the product lifecycle, we're here to provide the guidance and experience necessary to make an engaging product that's fit for market with measurable success.By leveraging our Flutter app development services, we deliver native experiences to your users at a lower cost to traditional native mobile development. The same application can also be published to the Web, targeting all major platforms with the same codebase.OUR DEVELOPMENT SERVICESMobile SDK and integration development for Flutter, React Native, iOS and AndroidCross-Platform iOS, Android app and Web app development with Google's revolutionary Flutter frameworkCross-Platform iOS and Android App development in React NativeMobile App Support and MaintenanceNative iOS and Android developmentTECH SUPPORTFractional CTO-as-a-service to businessesMVP Development and PrototypingTech EvaluationOutsourced Team ManagementPRODUCT DESIGNUser ExperienceClickable PrototypesMobile and Web DesignLogos and Branding

Foresight Mobile

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